$VENI Farming

Venice Finance offers three different farming pools for incentivizing the users to provide liquidity to the protocol:

  • Liquidity Pair (LP token) Pools

  • Penalty Pool: The penalty pool is a pool that collects penalties incurred by other users who early withdraw their rewards in the liquidity farming.

  • Trading Fee Pool: The trading fee pool is a pool that collects a percentage of the trading fees generated on the platform. When users swap tokens on Venice Finance, the platform collects a small portion of the swapped tokens as a trading fee. The trading fee is set at 0.2% of the total trading volume. The collected trading fees are then converted into FRA tokens and transferred to the trading fee pool.

And users are free to choose the following three farming methods for their best interest:

Liquidity Pair Pool Farming

Yield farming is a process by which users can earn rewards by providing liquidity to a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform. Yield farming is a popular practice in the DeFi space, and Venice Finance is no exception. The platform offers yield farming through its liquidity farming program, where users can earn VENI tokens as rewards for providing liquidity to the platform's pools.

To participate in yield farming on Venice Finance, users need to first provide liquidity to one of the supported liquidity pools on the platform, such as the FRA/VENI pool, FRA/ETH pool, and others. Users can provide liquidity by depositing two assets into the pool. For example, users could deposit an equal value of FRA and VENI tokens into the FRA/VENI pool to get FRA/VENI LP token and stake the LP token to earn VENI tokens as rewards. The rewards will be distributed on a pro-rata basis, meaning that users who contribute more liquidity will receive a larger share of the rewards.

However, users will need to use FRA as a gas fee to cover the transaction costs when providing liquidity to the pools. FRA is the native token of the Findora blockchain, which powers the Venice Finance platform.

When users claim the rewards, there is a specified lockup period, which is seven days. Users have the option to either receive their rewards after the lockup period or immediately withdraw their rewards but receive only 50% of the rewards, with the other 50% going into the penalty pool.

VENI Stake Farming

VENI Stake Farming is a farming method offered by Venice Finance where users can stake their VENI tokens and earn rewards in the form of FRA tokens from the trading fee pool. This farming method provides users with a way to earn rewards without having to provide liquidity to the platform's pools.

To participate in VENI Stake Farming, users simply need to stake their VENI tokens in the VENI Stake Farming pool. There is no lockup period for staking VENI tokens in this pool, which means that users can stake and unstake their VENI tokens in the pool at any time without any penalty.

The rewards for VENI Stake Farming are distributed in proportion to the amount of VENI tokens staked in the pool. This means that users who stake more VENI tokens can earn more rewards from the trading fee pool.

VENI Lock Farming

VENI Lock Farming is a farming method offered by Venice Finance where users can stake their VENI tokens for a lockup period of three months and earn rewards from both the trading fee pool and the penalty pool. This farming method provides users with a way to earn rewards by locking up their VENI tokens for a longer period of time for more rewards.

To participate in VENI Lock Farming, users must stake and lock their VENI tokens for a lockup period of three months. Users cannot withdraw their staked VENI tokens early and must wait until the end of the lockup period to claim their rewards. Once the lockup period ends, users can claim their rewards from both the trading fee pool and the penalty pool for both VENI and FRA tokens.

The rewards for VENI Lock Farming are distributed in proportion to the amount of VENI tokens staked in the pool. This means that users who stake more VENI tokens can earn more rewards from the trading fee pool and the penalty pool.

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